Meaning of RETINO- in English

retino- combining form

▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦ret ɪn ə ʊ - ə n- AmE ¦ret ə n ə — retinoscope ˈret ɪn ə ʊ skəʊp AmE - ə n ə skoʊp BrE AmE

▶ with stress-imposing suffix ˌret ɪ ˈnɒ+ -ə- AmE ˌret ə n ˈɑː+ — retinopathy ˌret ɪ ˈnɒp əθ i ˌ•ə- AmE ˌret ə n ˈɑːp- BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.