Meaning of SPERMATO- in English

spermato- combining form

▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦spɜːm ət ə ʊ spɜː ¦mæt- AmE spɝː ¦mæt̬ ə — spermatocyte ˈspɜːm ət ə ʊ saɪt spɜː ˈmæt- AmE spɝː ˈmæt̬ ə- BrE AmE

▶ with stress-imposing suffix ˌspɜːm ə ˈtɒ+ AmE ˌspɝːm ə ˈtɑː+ — spermatolysis ˌspɜːm ə ˈtɒl əs ɪs -ɪs ɪs, § -əs AmE \ ˌspɝːm ə ˈtɑːl- BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.