spleno- combining form
▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦spliːn əʊ AmE -oʊ — splenomegaly ˌspliːn əʊ ˈmeɡ ə l i AmE ˌ•oʊ- BrE AmE
▶ with stress-imposing suffix spliː ˈnɒ+ AmE -ˈnɑː+ — splenography spliː ˈnɒɡ rəf i AmE -ˈnɑːɡ- BrE AmE
spleno- combining form
▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦spliːn əʊ AmE -oʊ — splenomegaly ˌspliːn əʊ ˈmeɡ ə l i AmE ˌ•oʊ- BrE AmE
▶ with stress-imposing suffix spliː ˈnɒ+ AmE -ˈnɑː+ — splenography spliː ˈnɒɡ rəf i AmE -ˈnɑːɡ- BrE AmE
Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary. Английский словарь произношений Longman. 2012