Meaning of STAPHYLO- in English

staphylo- combining form

▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦stæf ɪl ə ʊ - ə l- AmE -ə -oʊ — staphyloplasty ˈstæf ɪl ə ʊ ˌplæst i ˈ• ə l- AmE -əˌ•-, -oʊˌ•- BrE AmE

▶ with stress-imposing suffix ˌstæf ɪ ˈlɒ+ -ə- AmE -ˈlɑː+ — staphylorrhaphy ˌstæf ɪ ˈlɒr əf i ˌ•ə- AmE -ˈlɑːr- -ˈlɔːr- BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.