an ‧ ae ‧ ro ‧ bic /ˌænəˈrəʊbɪk◂ $ -ˈroʊ-/ BrE AmE adjective
1 . not needing oxygen in order to live OPP aerobic :
anaerobic bacteria
2 . without oxygen, or happening without oxygen OPP aerobic :
anaerobic fermentation
an ‧ ae ‧ ro ‧ bic /ˌænəˈrəʊbɪk◂ $ -ˈroʊ-/ BrE AmE adjective
1 . not needing oxygen in order to live OPP aerobic :
anaerobic bacteria
2 . without oxygen, or happening without oxygen OPP aerobic :
anaerobic fermentation
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman - Словарь современного английского языка. 2012