a ‧ nat ‧ o ‧ my /əˈnætəmi/ BrE AmE noun ( plural anatomies )
[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: Late Latin ; Origin: anatomia 'cutting up a body' , from Greek anatome , from anatemnein 'to cut up' ]
1 . [uncountable] the scientific study of the structure of human or animal bodies:
a professor of anatomy
human/animal anatomy
Knowledge of human anatomy is essential to figure drawing.
2 . [countable usually singular] the structure of a body, or of a part of a body
anatomy of
the anatomy of the nervous system
3 . [countable] your body – often used in a humorous way:
You could see a part of his anatomy that I’d rather not mention.
4 . the/an anatomy of something
a) a study or examination of an organization, process etc in order to understand and explain how it works:
Elkind’s book is an anatomy of one man’s discussion with his son about life.
b) the structure of an organization, process etc or the way it works:
For the first time, we have the chance to examine the anatomy of a secret government operation.