Meaning of ASSESSMENT in English

as ‧ sess ‧ ment S3 W2 AC /əˈsesmənt/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable and countable]

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ assessment , ↑ assessor ; verb : ↑ assess ]

1 . a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation, or the judgment you make

assessment of

What’s Michael’s assessment of the situation?

a reading assessment test

2 . a calculation about the cost or value of something:

a tax assessment

⇨ continuous assessment at ↑ continuous (3)

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■ verbs

▪ make an assessment

I had to make a quick assessment of the situation and act accordingly.

▪ do/carry out an assessment

A teacher does a yearly assessment of each child’s progress.

■ adjectives

▪ a general/overall/broad assessment (=that covers the main features or parts of something, not the details)

The doctor must carry out a general assessment of the patient’s health.

▪ a detailed assessment

We need a detailed assessment of what this will cost.

▪ a comprehensive assessment (=that includes all the necessary facts or details)

Our clients receive a comprehensive assessment of their financial affairs.

▪ an objective assessment (=that is based on facts, not on feelings or beliefs)

The test results will provide an objective assessment of how much you have improved.

▪ sb’s personal assessment

What’s your personal assessment of the risks?

■ assessment + NOUN

▪ the assessment procedure/process

Parents need to feel part of the assessment procedure.

▪ assessment methods/techniques

We recommend using a variety of assessment methods.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.