at ‧ ten ‧ tive /əˈtentɪv/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ attention , ↑ attendant , ↑ attentiveness ≠ ↑ inattentiveness ; verb : ↑ attend ; adverb : ↑ attentively ≠ ↑ inattentively ; adjective : ↑ attentive ≠ ↑ inattentive ]
1 . listening to or watching someone carefully because you are interested OPP inattentive :
an attentive audience
2 . making sure someone has everything they need
attentive to
Customers want companies that are attentive to their needs.
—attentively adverb
—attentiveness noun [uncountable]