Meaning of BANTER in English

ban ‧ ter /ˈbæntə $ -ər/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]

friendly conversation in which people make a lot of jokes with, and amusing remarks about, each other

friendly/good-natured/light-hearted banter banter with/between

easy banter between her cousins

—banter verb [intransitive] :

I watched the guys as they bantered with the waitresses.

—bantering adjective

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▪ conversation noun [uncountable and countable] an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings, and thoughts:

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day.


Conversation wasn’t easy because of all the noise.


He overheard our conversation about the children.

▪ discussion noun [uncountable and countable] a conversation about something important:

There was a lot of discussion about where the money was going to come from.


The two companies have been having discussions about a possible takeover.

▪ talk noun [countable] a long conversation, especially about a problem or about what you plan to do:

We had a long talk about our relationship.

▪ chat noun [countable] especially British English an informal friendly conversation:

I’ve just had a chat with Vinnie.

▪ natter noun [singular] British English informal a conversation with a friend about unimportant things:

Mary and Jean were having a cup of tea and a natter.

▪ gossip noun [singular, uncountable] conversations in which people talk about things they have heard, especially about other people’s private lives, which may well not be true:

She always enjoyed going to friends’ houses and having a gossip.


It’s all just gossip.

▪ small talk noun [uncountable] polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects, especially when you do not know someone very well and feel a little nervous:

We stood around making small talk about the weather.

▪ banter noun [uncountable] friendly conversation in which people joke with each other and gently make fun of each other:

She enjoyed the friendly banter with her colleagues at the office.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.