bi ‧ ased AC BrE AmE , biassed /ˈbaɪəst/ adjective
[ Word Family: verb : ↑ bias ; noun : ↑ bias ; adjective : ↑ biased ≠ ↑ unbiased ]
1 . unfairly preferring one person or group over another:
Of course I’m biased, but I thought my daughter’s paintings were the best.
racially biased attitudes
biased against/towards/in favour of
news reporting that was heavily biased towards the government
2 . more interested in a particular thing than in another
biased towards
The majority of infants are biased towards being social rather than being antisocial.
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▪ unfair/not fair not right or fair, especially because not everyone has an equal opportunity:
The present welfare system is grossly unfair.
It’s not fair that people are paying different prices for the same tickets.
▪ unjust not fair or right according to the principles of a particular society:
He believed it was an illegal and unjust war.
unjust laws
▪ unequal unfair because people are treated in different ways or because some people have more power than others:
We live in a deeply unequal society.
the unequal distribution of global resources
▪ inequitable formal unfair because people are treated in different ways, or because some people have more power than others:
inequitable tax laws
The system is inequitable, because it makes it possible for rich people to buy a place at university.
▪ biased unfairly against or in favour of a particular group:
biased reporting
There were claims that prison bosses were racially biased.
The policy was biased against women.
The trade laws are biased in favour of rich countries.