Meaning of BREATHLESS in English

breath ‧ less /ˈbreθləs/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ breath , ↑ breather , ↑ breathing ; adjective : ↑ breathless , ↑ breathy ; verb : ↑ breathe ; adverb : ↑ breathlessly ]

1 . having difficulty breathing, especially because you are very tired, excited, or frightened:

The long climb left Jan feeling breathless.

breathless with

They waited, breathless with anticipation.

2 . written excited:

His first novel drew breathless superlatives from critics.

3 . at (a) breathless pace/speed extremely fast

4 . literary unpleasantly hot, with no fresh air or wind:

the breathless heat of a midsummer night in Rome

—breathlessly adverb

—breathlessness noun [uncountable]

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.