I. brook 1 /brʊk/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[ Language: Old English ; Origin: broc ]
a small stream:
a babbling brook
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■ a small river
▪ stream a small narrow river:
a cool mountain stream
▪ brook literary a small stream:
There was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green banks.
▪ creek a narrow area of sea that goes into the land, or a small river:
The River Fal with its many creeks was a perfect place for smugglers.
The kids hunted for crabs in the muddy creek.
II. brook 2 BrE AmE verb
[ Language: Old English ; Origin: brucan 'to use, enjoy' ]
not brook something/brook no something formal to not allow or accept something:
He would brook no criticism, even from his beloved daughter.