col ‧ lect ‧ ed /kəˈlektəd, kəˈlektɪd/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ collection , ↑ collector , ↑ collective , ↑ collectable , collectible, ↑ collectivism , ↑ collectivization ; adjective : ↑ collected , ↑ collective , ↑ collectable , collectible, ↑ collectivist ; verb : ↑ collect , ↑ collectivize ; adverb : ↑ collectively ]
1 . in control of yourself and your thoughts, feelings etc:
She wanted to arrive feeling cool, calm, and collected.
2 . collected works/poems/essays/edition all of someone’s books, poems etc printed in one book or set of books:
the Collected Works of Shakespeare