Meaning of COMFORTABLY in English

com ‧ fort ‧ a ‧ bly /ˈkʌmftəbli, ˈkʌmfət- $ ˈkʌmfərt-, ˈkʌmft-/ BrE AmE adverb

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ comfort , ↑ discomfort , ↑ comforter ; adverb : ↑ comfortably ≠ ↑ uncomfortably , ↑ comfortingly ; adjective : ↑ comfortable ≠ ↑ uncomfortable , ↑ comforting ; verb : ↑ comfort ]

1 . FURNITURE/PLACES/CLOTHES in a way that makes you feel physically relaxed, without any pain, or without being too hot, cold etc:

The hotel is modern and comfortably furnished.

his comfortably baggy jeans

2 . PHYSICALLY RELAXED in a way that feels physically relaxed, without any pain, or without being too hot, cold etc:

I was sitting comfortably in the lounge, reading a newspaper.

3 . MONEY with enough money to live on without having to worry about paying for things:

She earns enough money to live comfortably.

His family were comfortably off (=fairly rich) .

4 . WIN/ACHIEVEMENT easily and without problems:

Davis won comfortably, 9–1, 9–3, 9–2.

the amount of work you can comfortably deal with

5 . CONFIDENT in a confident and relaxed way:

They were soon chatting comfortably with each other.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.