Meaning of CONFIDE in English

con ‧ fide /kənˈfaɪd/ BrE AmE verb [transitive]

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ confidence , ↑ confidant , ↑ confidentiality ; adverb : ↑ confidently , ↑ confidentially ; adjective : ↑ confident , ↑ confidential ; verb : ↑ confide ]

[ Date: 1400-1500 ; Language: Latin ; Origin: confidere , from com- ( ⇨ COM- ) + fidere 'to trust' ]

1 . to tell someone you trust about personal things that you do not want other people to know

confide to somebody that

He confided to his friends that he didn’t have much hope for his marriage.

2 . formal to give something you value to someone you trust so they look after it for you

confide something to somebody

He confided his money to his brother’s safekeeping.

confide in somebody phrasal verb

to tell someone about something very private or secret, especially a personal problem, because you feel you can trust them:

I’ve never felt able to confide in my sister.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.