Meaning of CONSCRIPTION in English

con ‧ scrip ‧ tion /kənˈskrɪpʃ ə n/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]

when people are made to join the army, navy etc SYN draft

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■ join the army

▪ join up British English , enlist American English to join the army:

He joined up when he was 18.

▪ be called up British English , be drafted American English to be ordered to serve in the army by the government:

He was drafted into the US army in 1943.


Reserve soldiers were being called up.

▪ conscription ( also the draft American English ) a government policy of ordering people to serve in the army:

Conscription was introduced in 1916.


He had left the country to avoid the draft.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.