Cou ‧ ric, Ka ‧ tie /ˈkʊ ə rɪk, ˈkeɪti/ BrE AmE
(1957–) a US television ↑ journalist who became famous for being one of the ↑ host s of The Today Show , a morning news programme on NBC. Since 2006 she has been the host of CBS Evening News .
Cou ‧ ric, Ka ‧ tie /ˈkʊ ə rɪk, ˈkeɪti/ BrE AmE
(1957–) a US television ↑ journalist who became famous for being one of the ↑ host s of The Today Show , a morning news programme on NBC. Since 2006 she has been the host of CBS Evening News .
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman - Словарь современного английского языка. 2012