Meaning of CREATION in English

cre ‧ a ‧ tion W2 AC /kriˈeɪʃ ə n/ BrE AmE noun

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ creation , ↑ creativity , ↑ creator , ↑ creativeness ; verb : ↑ create , ↑ recreate ; adverb : ↑ creatively ; adjective : ↑ creative ≠ UNCREATIVE ]

1 . [uncountable] the act of creating something

creation of

the creation of 2,000 new jobs

the creation of a single European currency

a job creation scheme

2 . [countable] something that has been created:

The dress is a stunning creation in green, gold, and white.

Most countries have systems of government that are relatively modern creations.

3 . the Creation the act by God, according to the Bible, of making the universe, including the world and everything in it

4 . [uncountable] literary the whole universe and all living things

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.