Meaning of CREDIBILITY in English

cred ‧ i ‧ bil ‧ i ‧ ty /ˌkredəˈbɪləti, ˌkredɪˈbɪləti/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]

[ Word Family: adverb : ↑ incredibly , ↑ credibly , ↑ incredulously ; adjective : ↑ incredible , ↑ credible , ↑ incredulous ; noun : ↑ credibility , ↑ incredulity ]

1 . the quality of deserving to be believed and trusted

damage/undermine sb’s credibility (as something)

The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.

credibility of

There are serious questions about the credibility of these reports.

gain/lose credibility

Predictions of economic recovery have now lost all credibility.

2 . credibility gap the difference between what someone says and what they do:

a credibility gap between the government’s promises and their achievements

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■ verbs

▪ have some/no/little credibility

By then the president had ceased to have any credibility.

▪ give somebody/something credibility

There's enough evidence to give credibility to this theory.

▪ undermine/damage credibility

A number of factors undermine the credibility of these statistics.

▪ destroy credibility

The scandal nearly destroyed the FBI's credibility.

▪ establish your credibility

Dave had already established his credibility with the department managers.

▪ lend credibility to somebody/something (=make something or someone have more credibility)

The evidence lent credibility to their arguments.

▪ gain credibility

It took many years for these ideas to gain credibility in the science community.

▪ lose credibility

Both of our major political parties are losing credibility.

▪ lack/be lacking in credibility

The new regime lacked credibility from the start.

▪ restore credibility (=get it back again after it has been damaged)

His priority was to restore credibility to his government.

■ adjectives

▪ political/scientific/academic etc credibility

A school's academic credibility often depends on its exam results.

▪ low credibility (=little credibility)

The organization has had low credibility among teachers.

▪ great credibility (=a lot of credibility)

He has great credibility in Washington.

■ phrases

▪ a blow to somebody/something's credibilty (=something that damages credibility)

The case was a severe blow to the administration's credibility.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.