Meaning of DEMOCRACY in English

de ‧ moc ‧ ra ‧ cy W2 /dɪˈmɒkrəsi $ dɪˈmɑː-/ BrE AmE noun ( plural democracies )

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ democracy , ↑ democrat , ↑ democratization ; verb : democratatize; adverb : ↑ democratically ≠ UNDEMOCRATICALLY ; adjective : ↑ democratic ≠ UNDEMOCRATIC ]

[ Date: 1500-1600 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: democratie , from Greek demokratia , from demos 'people' + -kratia 'rule' ]

1 . [uncountable] a system of government in which every citizen in the country can vote to elect its government officials:

a return to democracy after 16 years of military rule

2 . [countable] a country that has a government which has been elected by the people of the country:

a parliamentary democracy

Western democracies

3 . [uncountable] a situation or system in which everyone is equal and has the right to vote, make decisions etc ⇨ democratic :

democracy within the trade unions

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COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)

■ adjectives

▪ a parliamentary democracy (=one with an elected parliament)

Britain is a parliamentary democracy.

▪ a multiparty democracy (=with a number of political parties)

It is one of the few countries in the area that is a true multiparty democracy.

▪ a Western democracy

The sanctions are supported by all the major Western democracies.

▪ a new democracy

They are facing many of the same problems that all new democracies experience.

▪ an emerging/fledgling democracy (=new)

the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe

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▪ government [uncountable and countable] the group of people who govern a country or the system they use to govern it:

The French government did not sign the agreement.


a democratic system of government

▪ administration [countable] the government of a country, especially one such as the US, which is led by a president:

the Kennedy administration


the problems left by the previous adminstration

▪ regime [countable] a government, especially one that was not elected fairly or that you disapprove of:

Most people opposed the apartheid regime.

▪ the executive [singular] the part of the government that makes sure that laws and decisions work well:

the separation of powers between the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary

▪ democracy [uncountable and countable] a political system in which everyone can vote to choose the government, or a country that has this system:

The transition to democracy has not been easy.


In a democracy, people have freedom of speech.

▪ republic [countable] a country that has an elected government, and is led by a president, not a king or queen:

Mauritius became a republic in 1992.

▪ monarchy [uncountable and countable] /ˈmɒnəki $ ˈmɑːnərki/ the system of having a king or queen as the head of state, or a country that has this system:

Some monarchies have elected governments.


controversy about the institution of monarchy

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.