dis ‧ a ‧ bil ‧ i ‧ ty /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti, ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪti/ BrE AmE noun ( plural disabilities )
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ ability ≠ ↑ inability , ↑ disability ; adjective : ↑ able ≠ ↑ unable , ↑ disabled ; verb : ↑ enable ≠ ↑ disable ; adverb : ↑ ably ]
1 . [countable] a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for someone to use a part of their body properly, or to learn normally
with a disability
Public places are becoming more accessible to people with disabilities.
learning/physical/mental etc disability
children with severe learning disabilities
2 . [uncountable] when you have a physical or mental disability:
learning to cope with disability
3 . [uncountable] American English money that is given by the government to people who have physical disabilities
on disability
Evans lives on disability because of an accident that left her paralyzed.