Meaning of DISABLE in English

dis ‧ a ‧ ble /dɪsˈeɪb ə l/ BrE AmE verb [transitive]

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ ability ≠ ↑ inability , ↑ disability ; adjective : ↑ able ≠ ↑ unable , ↑ disabled ; verb : ↑ enable ≠ ↑ disable ; adverb : ↑ ably ]

1 . [usually passive] to make someone unable to use a part of their body properly:

Carter was permanently disabled in the war.

2 . to deliberately make a machine or piece of equipment impossible to use:

The virus will disable your computer.

—disablement noun [uncountable and countable]

—disabling adjective :

a disabling injury

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.