I. ˈDairy ˌQueen BrE AmE ( also DQ ) trademark
a chain of US ↑ fast food restaurants which sells ↑ ice cream and other foods, and is popular with young people
II. DQ /ˌdiː ˈkjuː/ BrE AmE American English informal abbreviation for
↑ Dairy Queen
I. ˈDairy ˌQueen BrE AmE ( also DQ ) trademark
a chain of US ↑ fast food restaurants which sells ↑ ice cream and other foods, and is popular with young people
II. DQ /ˌdiː ˈkjuː/ BrE AmE American English informal abbreviation for
↑ Dairy Queen
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman - Словарь современного английского языка. 2012