Meaning of ECSTATIC in English

ec ‧ stat ‧ ic /ɪkˈstætɪk, ek-/ BrE AmE adjective

1 . feeling extremely happy and excited:

an ecstatic welcome from the thousands who lined the streets

2 . ecstatic review/praise/applause a ↑ review (=an opinion about a film, play etc that appears in a newspaper or magazine) , praise etc that says that something is very good:

The exhibition attracted thousands of visitors and ecstatic reviews.

—ecstatically /-kli/ adverb

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■ very happy

▪ delighted [not before noun] very happy because something good has happened:

The doctors say they are delighted with her progress.

▪ thrilled [not before noun] very happy and excited about something:

He’s thrilled at the idea of going to Disneyworld.

▪ overjoyed [not before noun] very happy because you have heard some good news:

She was overjoyed when she found out that her son was safe.

▪ be on top of the world ( also be over the moon British English ) [not before noun] informal to be very happy:

I was over the moon when I won the championship.

▪ ecstatic extremely happy:

The crowd were ecstatic, and cheered wildly.


ecstatic fans

▪ blissful a blissful time is one in which you feel extremely happy:

We stayed on the islands for two blissful weeks.


It sounded blissful – sea, sun, and good food.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.