e ‧ lec ‧ tri ‧ cal S3 /ɪˈlektrɪk ə l/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ electrician , ↑ electricity , ↑ electrics , ↑ electrification ; adjective : ↑ electric , ↑ electrical , ↑ electrified , ↑ electrifying ; verb : ↑ electrify ; adverb : ↑ electrically ]
1 . relating to electricity:
The fire was caused by an electrical fault.
an electrical engineer (=a person who designs and makes electrical equipment)
2 . using electricity
electrical equipment/goods/appliances etc
—electrically /-kli/ adverb
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▪ electric used about something that works using electricity:
an electric kettle
Is your cooker electric or gas?
▪ electrical used about things in general that use electricity, or people whose job is to make or repair these things:
a company manufacturing electrical goods
an electrical engineer
▪ electronic used about equipment such as computers and televisions that work by using extremely small electrical parts, or about systems that work using computers:
Most kids love electronic games.
Email is the short word for electronic mail.