en ‧ vi ‧ ous /ˈenviəs/ BrE AmE adjective
wanting something that someone else has ⇨ jealous
envious of
Colleagues were envious of her success.
envious looks
—enviously adverb
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▪ jealous feeling unhappy because someone has something that you want and cannot have:
Maybe he's jealous because I got the job and he didn't.
Sharon had always been jealous of her sister's long blonde hair.
▪ envious especially written wishing that you had something nice or special that someone else has:
When I saw the garden, I was really envious.
She knew she was beautiful and enjoyed the envious looks of other women.
▪ green with envy very envious:
You'll be green with envy when you see their new house.
▪ covetous formal having a very strong desire to have something that someone else has:
The King was a covetous and grasping man.