Meaning of EXCITING in English

ex ‧ cit ‧ ing S2 W3 /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: adjective : ↑ excitable , ↑ excited , ↑ exciting ≠ ↑ unexciting , ↑ excitable ; noun : ↑ excitement , ↑ excitability ; adverb : ↑ excitedly , ↑ excitingly ; verb : ↑ excite ]

making you feel excited:

an exciting discovery

‘Julia and Paul are getting married!’ ‘Oh, how exciting!’

I’ve got some very exciting news for you.

Let’s do something exciting.

Melanie finds her work exciting and rewarding.

exciting opportunity/possibility/prospect etc

exciting job opportunities

—excitingly adverb :

the most excitingly original movie of the year

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■ nouns

▪ an exciting opportunity

The job offers an exciting career opportunity for the right individual.

▪ an exciting possibility

Penny allowed herself to consider the exciting possibility that Jack might be at the party.

▪ an exciting time

It was the most exciting time of my life.

▪ an exciting development (=a change that makes a product, situation etc better)

This exciting development could mark the end of the long-running conflict.

▪ an exciting prospect (=an event in the future, about which you feel excited)

For the team, there’s the exciting prospect of travelling to many major cities.

▪ an exciting prospect (=a person who has a good chance of success in the future)

His pace and skill mark him as one of the most exciting prospects in Super League.

■ verbs

▪ find something exciting

He found it very exciting to ride a horse at such speed and jump over large obstacles.

■ adverbs

▪ sexually exciting

The images are sexually exciting.

■ phrases

▪ new and exciting

The theme park has many new and exciting rides.

▪ an exciting new something

There are many exciting new developments in cancer research.

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▪ thrilling /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/ very exciting

▪ gripping a gripping film, story etc is very exciting and interesting

▪ dramatic used about something that is exciting to watch or hear about as it happens:

the dramatic events of the past week

▪ exhilarating /ɪɡˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ/ making you feel happy, excited, and full of energy:

an exhilarating ride

▪ nail-biting very exciting, especially because you do not know what is going to happen next:

a nail-biting finish

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.