fi ‧ bre BrE AmE British English , fiber American English /ˈfaɪbə $ -ər/ noun
1 . [uncountable] the parts of plants that you eat but cannot ↑ digest . Fibre helps to keep you healthy by moving food quickly through your body:
Fruit and vegetables are high in fibre content.
food that is high in dietary fibre
2 . [uncountable and countable] a mass of threads used to make rope, cloth etc
natural/synthetic/man-made etc fibre
Nylon is a man-made fibre.
3 . [countable] a thin thread, or one of the thin parts like threads that form natural materials such as wood or ↑ carbon
4 . nerve/muscle fibres the thin pieces of flesh that form the nerves or muscles in your body
5 . with every fibre of your being literary if you feel something with every fibre of your being, you feel it very strongly:
He wanted her with every fibre of his being.
⇨ moral fibre at ↑ moral 1 (2), ⇨ ↑ optical fibre