Meaning of FONDLE in English

fon ‧ dle /ˈfɒndl $ ˈfɑːndl/ BrE AmE verb [transitive]

[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Origin: fond 'to love too much' (16-17 centuries) , from ⇨ ↑ fond ]

to gently touch and move your fingers over part of someone’s body in a way that shows love or sexual desire:

She fondled his neck.

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■ touch somebody gently or lovingly

▪ stroke to move your hand gently over something, especially in a loving way:

She stroked the child’s hair.


Our cat won’t let people stroke him.

▪ pat to touch an animal or child lightly several times, with your hand flat:

He knelt down to pat the dog.


She patted the little boy’s head.

▪ pet to touch and move your hand gently over someone, especially an animal or child:

The goats, pigs, sheep, and cows here allow you to pet them.

▪ caress /kəˈres/ to gently touch a part of someone’s body in a loving way:

a mother caressing her child


She caressed his cheek.

▪ fondle to touch a part of someone’s body in a loving or sexual way – use this especially about touching someone in a sexual way that is not wanted:

He tried to fondle her and she immediately pulled away from him.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.