Meaning of FORMALITY in English

for ‧ mal ‧ i ‧ ty /fɔːˈmæləti, fɔːˈmælɪti $ fɔːr-/ BrE AmE noun ( plural formalities )

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ formality ≠ ↑ informality , ↑ formalization ; verb : ↑ formalize ; adverb : ↑ formally ≠ ↑ informally ; adjective : ↑ formal ≠ ↑ informal ]

1 . [countable usually plural] something that you must do as a formal or official part of an activity or process:

the formalities necessary for a valid marriage

2 . [countable usually singular] something you must do even though it has no practical importance or effects

just/only/merely etc a formality

Getting a gun license here seems to be just a formality.

3 . [uncountable] careful attention to polite behaviour and language in formal situations OPP informality :

There is always some degree of formality when one speaks to a stranger.

The loan was arranged with little formality.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.