foun ‧ dry /ˈfaʊndri/ BrE AmE noun ( plural foundries ) [countable]
[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Language: French ; Origin: fonderie , from fondre 'to melt' , from Latin fundere 'to pour, melt' ]
a place where metals are melted and poured into ↑ mould s (=hollow shapes) to make parts for machines, tools etc:
an iron foundry
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▪ factory a building or group of buildings in which goods are produced in large quantities, using machines:
She works in a chocolate factory.
a clothing factory
▪ plant a large factory where cars, chemicals, or energy is produced:
Local residents are protesting about the new nuclear power plant.
a car plant
a nuclear power plant
▪ facility a factory. Facility is often used instead of factory in business English:
The new production facility is one of the most up-to-date in the area.
▪ works used in the following compounds to describe a factory that produces a particular thing: a steelworks/ironworks/brickworks/a chemical/cement works/a printing works
▪ mill a factory that produces paper, cotton, or cloth:
a paper mill
The textile mill has been converted into luxury flats.
▪ shipyard a place where ships are built or repaired:
The vessel was built in the Kobe shipyard.
▪ foundry a factory where metal is made into things using ↑ mould s :
Mandela’s statue was cast here in a local foundry.
▪ sweatshop disapproving a small factory where people work hard in bad conditions for very little money:
The company was fined for selling goods produced in sweatshops.