help ‧ ful S2 W3 /ˈhelpf ə l/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ help , ↑ helper , ↑ helpfulness ≠ ↑ unhelpfulness , ↑ helping , ↑ helplessness ; adverb : ↑ helpfully ≠ ↑ unhelpfully , ↑ helplessly ; adjective : ↑ helpful ≠ ↑ unhelpful , ↑ helpless ; verb : ↑ help ]
1 . providing useful help in making a situation better or easier:
Thank you for your advice; it’s been very helpful.
it is helpful (for somebody) to do something
It is helpful to discuss your problems with your friends.
It is helpful for family members to gain a basic understanding of the illness.
It is helpful if we address a few key questions here.
helpful in doing something
We hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions.
helpful advice/hints/suggestions etc
Our sales staff are there to give you helpful advice.
2 . always willing to help people:
She’s a helpful child.
I’m only trying to be helpful.
—helpfully adverb
—helpfulness noun [uncountable]
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▪ useful something that is useful makes it easier for you to do something:
He gave me some useful advice.
a useful thing to know
▪ handy informal useful – used especially about something that is convenient and easy to use:
a handy little booklet
The book is full of handy hints.
I always keep old jars – you never know when they might come in handy (=be useful) .
▪ helpful useful because it helps you to do something:
This drug can be helpful in treating depression.
helpful advice
helpful suggestions
▪ of use [not before noun] if someone or something is of use, they are useful for you when you are doing something:
I hope you’ll find the book of use.
He wants to be of use.
▪ worthwhile if doing something is worthwhile, it is useful for you and you benefit from doing it:
The training was certainly worthwhile.
a worthwhile experience
It is worthwhile to start by asking ourselves why people get involved in crime.