Meaning of HOMER in English

I. Homer BrE AmE

a Greek poet who probably lived around 800 to 700 years ↑ BC . He is known as a very great poet and for his two ↑ epic poems, the ↑ Iliad and the ↑ odyssey , which tell the stories of characters such as ↑ Achilles and ↑ Odysseus and the Greek war against Troy, which have had great influence on European literature.

—Homeric /həʊˈmerɪk $ hoʊ-/ adjective

II. Homer, Wins ‧ low /ˈwɪnzləʊ/ BrE AmE

(1836–1910) a US painter, known especially for his paintings of the sea and people connected with the sea

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.