hos ‧ til ‧ i ‧ ty /hɒˈstɪləti, hɒˈstɪlɪti $ hɑː-/ BrE AmE noun
1 . [uncountable] when someone is unfriendly and full of anger towards another person
hostility towards/between
hostility towards foreigners
hostility toward American English :
hostility toward Jews
open/outright hostility (=hostility that is clearly shown)
They eyed each other with open hostility.
2 . [uncountable] strong or angry opposition to something:
The reform program was greeted with hostility by conservatives.
hostility to/towards
There is a lot of public hostility to the tax.
Pictures of refugees aroused popular hostility (=felt by a lot of people) towards the war.
hostility toward American English :
Republican hostility toward slavery
3 . hostilities [plural] formal fighting in a war:
a cessation of hostilities
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▪ opposition noun [uncountable] strong disagreement with or protest against something:
Opposition to the proposed scheme was widespread.
The plan met with stiff opposition (=strong opposition) .
▪ objection noun [countable] a reason you give for opposing an idea or plan:
My main objection is that it will cost too much money.
A number of objections were raised.
▪ antagonism noun [uncountable] a strong feeling of opposition to something, or dislike for someone, which is shown in your behaviour, and has often existed for a long time:
his own antagonism to any form of authority
There is no antagonism towards tourists on the island.
people’s antagonism to communism
▪ hostility noun [uncountable] angry remarks or behaviour that show someone opposes something very strongly, or dislikes someone very much:
The announcement was greeted with hostility from some employees.
There is a certain amount of hostility towards the police among local people.
▪ antipathy noun [uncountable] formal a strong feeling of opposition and dislike for someone or something:
his fundamental antipathy to capitalism
Her long-standing antipathy to Herr Kohl was well-known.
Darwin shared Lyell's antipathy to the idea that the same species could appear independently in different areas.