hu ‧ mane /hjuːˈmeɪn/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ human , ↑ humanism , ↑ humanity ≠ ↑ inhumanity , ↑ humanitarian , ↑ humanitarianism , ↑ humankind , ↑ humanoid ; adjective : ↑ human ≠ ↑ inhuman , ↑ superhuman , ↑ subhuman , ↑ humane ≠ ↑ inhumane , ↑ humanitarian , ↑ humanoid ; adverb : ↑ humanly ≠ ↑ inhumanly , ↑ humanely ≠ ↑ inhumanely ; verb : ↑ humanize ]
[ Date: 1400-1500 ; Origin: human ]
treating people or animals in a way that is not cruel and causes them as little suffering as possible OPP inhumane :
the campaign for the humane treatment of criminals
a better, more humane world
—humanely adverb