in ‧ sep ‧ a ‧ ra ‧ ble /ɪnˈsep ə rəb ə l/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ separation , ↑ separates , ↑ separatist , ↑ separatism , ↑ separator , inseperability; adjective : ↑ separable ≠ ↑ inseparable , ↑ separate , ↑ separated ; adverb : ↑ inseparably , ↑ separately ; verb : ↑ separate ]
1 . people who are inseparable are always together and are very friendly with each other:
Jane and Sarah soon became inseparable companions.
inseparable from
Tom was inseparable from his dog Snowy.
2 . things that are inseparable cannot be separated or cannot be considered separately
inseparable from
Britain’s economic fortunes are inseparable from the world situation.
—inseparably adverb
—inseparability /ɪnˌsep ə rəˈbɪləti, ɪnˌsep ə rəˈbɪlɪti/ noun [uncountable]