Meaning of INSUBSTANTIAL in English

in ‧ sub ‧ stan ‧ tial /ˌɪnsəbˈstænʃ ə l◂/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ substance , ↑ substantiation , ↑ substantive ; adjective : ↑ substantial ≠ ↑ insubstantial , ↑ substantive ; verb : ↑ substantiate ; adverb : ↑ substantially ]

1 . formal not solid, large, strong, or definite:

The evidence seemed very insubstantial.

an insubstantial meal

the insubstantial outline of a ship

2 . literary not existing as a real object or person:

insubstantial ghosts

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.