jit ‧ ter ‧ y /ˈdʒɪtəri/ BrE AmE adjective informal
anxious or nervous OPP relaxed :
It was probably the tension that made him jittery.
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▪ nervous worried or a little frightened about something and unable to relax:
Kelly was so nervous about her exam that she couldn’t sleep.
It makes me nervous when you drive that fast.
▪ tense worried and unable to relax in a way that makes you get angry or upset easily:
Mary’s problems at work were making her tense and irritable.
▪ uneasy nervous because you feel that something bad might happen, so that you are unable to relax until the danger has passed:
I began to feel uneasy when he still hadn’t phoned by 11 o'clock.
▪ on edge if you are on edge or your nerves are on edge, you feel nervous because you are worried about what might happen:
My nerves were on edge, waiting for the results of the test.
Redundancies and other work upheavals have put employees on edge.
▪ neurotic nervous and anxious in a way that is not normal or reasonable:
She’s completely neurotic about food hygiene.
a neurotic mother
▪ edgy/jumpy/jittery nervous because you are worried about what might happen:
Investors are a little edgy about the financial markets these days.
There was a lot of pressure on the team tonight and that’s why they were a little jumpy.
▪ highly-strung British English , high-strung American English becoming nervous or upset easily because that is your character:
Like many musicians, he’s very sensitive and highly-strung.
▪ be a nervous wreck to feel extremely nervous and unable to relax:
After 10 months of teaching, I was a total nervous wreck.
▪ have butterflies (in your stomach) informal to feel nervous about something that you are going to do very soon because it is important and you want to do it well:
Actors often have butterflies before going on stage.