Kah ‧ lo, Fri ‧ da /ˈkɑːləʊ, ˈfriːdə/ BrE AmE
(1907–1954) a famous Mexican painter, who was married for a time to another painter, Diego Rivera. She is known for supporting Communism and for having an ↑ affair with Leon Trotsky.
Kah ‧ lo, Fri ‧ da /ˈkɑːləʊ, ˈfriːdə/ BrE AmE
(1907–1954) a famous Mexican painter, who was married for a time to another painter, Diego Rivera. She is known for supporting Communism and for having an ↑ affair with Leon Trotsky.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman - Словарь современного английского языка. 2012