Meaning of LANDMARK in English

land ‧ mark /ˈlændmɑːk $ -mɑːrk/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

1 . something that is easy to recognize, such as a tall tree or building, and that helps you know where you are:

One of Belfast’s most famous landmarks, the Grosvenor Hall, has been demolished.

2 . one of the most important events, changes, or discoveries that influences someone or something:

The discovery of penicillin was a landmark in the history of medicine.

landmark decision/case/ruling

The Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in January 2001.

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■ ADJECTIVES/NOUN + landmark

▪ a famous/well-known landmark

The Eiffel Tower is probably the most famous landmark in Paris.

▪ a historic landmark

Rome is crammed with historic landmarks such as the Colosseum.

▪ a prominent landmark (=one that is very noticeable)

The castle sits on a hill above the town and is a prominent landmark.

▪ a familiar landmark

It was so dark we could not see any familiar landmarks.

▪ a local landmark

This oddly shaped rock is a well-known local landmark.

▪ a major/significant landmark (=an important one)

From Parliament Hill, you can see most of London's major landmarks.

▪ a London/New York/Paris etc landmark

Buckingham Palace is a London Landmark.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.