I. lib ‧ e ‧ ral 1 W2 AC /ˈlɪb ə rəl/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ liberal , ↑ liberalism , ↑ liberalization ; verb : ↑ liberalize ; adverb : ↑ liberally ; adjective : ↑ liberal ]
[ Date: 1300-1400 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: Latin liberalis , from liber ; ⇨ ↑ liberty ]
1 . willing to understand and respect other people’s ideas, opinions, and feelings:
a more liberal attitude towards sexuality
I had quite liberal parents.
2 . supporting or allowing gradual political and social changes OPP conservative :
a more liberal policy on issues of crime and punishment
3 . allowing people or organizations a lot of political or economic freedom
liberal state/society/democracy etc
4 . generous or given in large amounts:
a liberal supply of drinks
liberal with
If only they were as liberal with their cash.
⇨ ↑ liberally
5 . not exact:
a liberal interpretation of the original play
6 . liberal education a kind of education which encourages you to develop a large range of interests and knowledge and respect for other people’s opinions
II. liberal 2 AC BrE AmE noun [countable]
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ liberal , ↑ liberalism , ↑ liberalization ; verb : ↑ liberalize ; adverb : ↑ liberally ; adjective : ↑ liberal ]
someone with liberal opinions or principles OPP conservative
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▪ right-wing adjective a right-wing person or group wants low taxes, a strong army and police force, and the individual to be free from government interference as much as possible:
right-wing political parties
Some of his supporters are very right-wing.
right-wing policies on gun control
▪ left-wing adjective a left-wing person or group wants the government to make society more equal by increasing taxes for rich people, and taking control of important industries and services:
a left-wing newspaper
His views are very left-wing.
▪ green adjective [usually before noun] supporting policies and principles which will protect the environment:
green politicians
the Green Party
The government is under pressure to improve its green credentials (=to seem more like it wants to protect the environment) .
▪ radical adjective supporting political ideas that will involve great change:
radical politicians
a radical economic reform programme
▪ liberal adjective supporting political ideas that will allow people to have greater freedom:
They want the government to have a more liberal policy on drugs.
▪ moderate adjective having political opinions which are not extreme:
People generally become more moderate as they get older.
The bill is supported by moderate Republicans.
▪ extreme adjective having political opinions which are considered to be very unreasonable by many people:
His views on immigration are very extreme.
an extreme right-wing organization