ma ‧ te ‧ ri ‧ al ‧ ly /məˈtɪəriəli $ -ˈtɪr-/ BrE AmE adverb
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ material , ↑ materialism , ↑ materialist , MATERIALS , ↑ materialization ; adjective : ↑ material , ↑ immaterial , ↑ materialistic , ↑ materialist ; adverb : ↑ materialistically , ↑ materially ; verb : ↑ materialize ]
1 . formal in a big enough or strong enough way to change a situation:
This would materially affect US security.
2 . [sentence adverb] in relation to possessions and money, rather than the needs of a person’s mind or soul OPP spiritually :
Materially, we are better off than ever before.