mem ‧ oir /ˈmemwɑː $ -wɑːr/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ memorial , ↑ memory , ↑ memo , ↑ memoir , ↑ memorabilia , ↑ memorandum ; adjective : ↑ memorable , ↑ memorial , ↑ immemorial ; verb : ↑ memorize , ↑ memorialize ; adverb : ↑ memorably ]
[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Language: French ; Origin: mémoire 'memory' , from Latin memoria ; ⇨ ↑ memory ]
1 . memoirs [plural] a book by someone important and famous in which they write about their life and experiences:
Lady Thatcher had just published her memoirs.
2 . formal a short piece of writing about a person or place that you knew well, or an event that you experienced