mor ‧ phol ‧ o ‧ gy /mɔːˈfɒlədʒi $ mɔːrˈfɑː-/ BrE AmE noun ( plural morphologies ) technical
[ Date: 1800-1900 ; Language: Greek ; Origin: morphe 'form' + English -ology ]
1 . [uncountable] the study of the ↑ morpheme s of a language and of the way in which they are joined together to make words ⇨ syntax
2 . [uncountable] the scientific study of the form and structure of animals and plants
3 . [uncountable and countable] the structure of an object or system or the way it was formed
—morphological /ˌmɔːfəˈlɒdʒɪk ə l◂ $ ˌmɔːrfəˈlɑː-/ adjective :
the morphological features of cells
—morphologically /-kli/ adverb