I. Mo ‧ ses /ˈməʊzəz, ˈməʊzɪz/ BrE AmE
a leader of the Jewish people in ancient times. According to the story in the Bible, he brought the ↑ Israelite s out of Egypt. They were able to escape from the Egyptians when God parted (↑ part 2 ) the ↑ Red Sea so that they could walk across the sea bed. Moses received the ↑ Ten Commandments (=God's laws) from God on Mount Sinai.
II. Moses, Grandma BrE AmE
(1860–1961) a US artist who did not begin painting until she was almost 70 years old. Her paintings of life in the American countryside are in the ↑ primitive style (=they are very simple, and made to look like children's paintings) .