Meaning of MR in English

Mr BrE AmE British English , Mr. American English /ˈmɪstə $ -ər/

1 . used before a man’s family name to be polite when you are speaking to him, writing to him, or talking about him:

Mr Smith is the headteacher.

Mr. John Smith

Mr and Mrs Smith

2 . used when speaking to a man in an official position:

Mr Chairman

Mr. President

⇨ ↑ madam (3)

3 . Mr Right a man who would be the perfect husband for a particular woman:

She’s finally found Mr. Right.

4 . Mr Big informal the leader or most important person in a group, especially a criminal group

5 . Mr Clean informal someone who is honest and always obeys the law

6 . Mr Sarcasm/Mr Messy/Mr Forgetful etc spoken used humorously to say that someone has a particular quality or behaves in a particular way:

I don’t think we need any comments from Mr Sarcasm here.

⇨ no more Mr Nice Guy! at ↑ guy (5)

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.