Meaning of NAUSEATING in English

nau ‧ se ‧ a ‧ ting /ˈnɔːzieɪtɪŋ, -si- $ ˈnɒːzi-, -ʃi-/ BrE AmE adjective

1 . making you feel that you are going to ↑ vomit SYN sickening :

the nauseating smell of rotting fish

2 . making you feel annoyed or offended SYN disgusting :

his nauseating remarks

—nauseatingly adverb

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■ taste/smell

▪ horrible very bad and unpleasant:

What’s that horrible smell?


This fish tastes horrible.

▪ disgusting/revolting horrible, especially in a way that makes you feel slightly sick:

I had to take two spoons of some disgusting medicine.


The stench in the room was revolting.

▪ nasty very unpleasant – often used about a taste that stays in your mouth:

Cheap wine sometimes leaves a nasty taste in your mouth.


the nasty smell of bad eggs

▪ nauseating /ˈnɔːzieɪtɪŋ, -si- $ ˈnɒːzi-, -ʃi-/ horrible and making you feel that you are going to ↑ vomit – used especially about a smell:

the nauseating smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke

▪ foul /faʊl/ horrible – used especially when there is decay or waste:

There was a foul smell coming from the water.


Whatever it was in that cup, it tasted foul.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.