Meaning of NOMINATION in English

nom ‧ i ‧ na ‧ tion /ˌnɒməˈneɪʃ ə n, ˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃ ə n $ ˌnɑː-/ BrE AmE noun

1 . [uncountable and countable] the act of officially suggesting someone or something for a position, duty, or prize, or the fact of being suggested for it

nomination for

Who will get the Republican nomination for president?

All the committee’s nominations were approved.

2 . [countable] the name of a book, film, actor etc that has been suggested to receive an honour or prize:

The nominations for the Academy Awards were announced Tuesday.

3 . [uncountable and countable] the act of giving someone a particular job, or the fact of being given that job

nomination as

O'Neil’s nomination as chief executive

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■ verbs

▪ get/receive a nomination

The film got the nomination for Best Drama.

▪ win/secure a nomination

Do you think she has enough votes to win the nomination?

▪ seek a nomination (=try to win it)

He is seeking the Republican nomination in the Senate race.

▪ accept a nomination

Lieberman accepted the nomination as the vice-presidential candidate.

▪ withdraw a nomination (=say you no longer want it)

After hostile questioning, he withdrew his nomination to be CIA director.

▪ make a nomination (=say that you think someone should be given a job or position)

The president makes the nominations of judges for the Supreme Court.

▪ oppose a nomination (=say that you think someone should not be given a job or position)

Senator Hatch said that he would oppose Lee's nomination to assistant attorney general.

▪ approve a nomination (=agree that someone should be given a job or position)

The Senate unanimously approved her nomination.

■ ADJECTIVES/NOUN + nomination

▪ the presidential/Senate etc nomination (=a nomination for a particular job or position)

He was unsuccessful in his campaign for the presidential nomination in 2008.

▪ the Republican/Democratic etc nomination (=the nomination to be the candidate for a political party in an election)

Feinstein beat Van de Kamp for the Democratic mayoral nomination.

▪ an Oscar/Emmy/Grammy etc nomination (=a nomination for a particular prize or award)

The novel has received a National Book Award nomination.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.