Meaning of NYMPHO in English

nym ‧ pho ‧ ma ‧ ni ‧ ac /ˌnɪmfəˈmeɪniæk/ BrE AmE ( also nym‧pho /ˈnɪmfəʊ $ -foʊ/ informal ) noun [countable]

[ Date: 1800-1900 ; Origin: nymphomania (18-21 centuries) , from Modern Latin nymphae 'outer parts of the female sex organs' + Late Latin mania ( ⇨ ↑ mania ) ]

a woman who wants to have sex often, usually with a lot of different men SYN sex maniac

—nymphomania /-niə/ noun [uncountable]

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.