Meaning of OCCASIONALLY in English

oc ‧ ca ‧ sion ‧ al ‧ ly S2 W3 /əˈkeɪʒ ə nəli/ BrE AmE adverb

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ occasion ; adverb : ↑ occasionally ; adjective : ↑ occasional ]

sometimes, but not regularly and not often:

Occasionally Alice would look up from her books.

We only see each other very occasionally (=rarely) .


In everyday English, people often say once in a while rather than occasionally :

We still see her once in a while.

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▪ sometimes on some occasions but not always:

Sometimes, I wish I was still living in Tokyo.


He sometimes plays football with my brother.

▪ occasionally ( also on occasion written ) used about something that only happens a few times. Occasionally is used when something happens more rarely than sometimes :

I prefer trousers but I do wear skirts occasionally.


Occasionally, operations have to be cancelled.


On occasion, prisoners were allowed visits from their families.

▪ (every) now and then/again ( also from time to time ) sometimes but not often or regularly:

We still call each other every now and then.


Every now and again, an invention comes along which changes people's lives completely.


Even experienced doctors make mistakes from time to time.

▪ every so often sometimes at fairly regular periods:

He looked up from his book every so often.


Every so often, a train whizzed past.

▪ at times if something happens at times, it happens sometimes but is not what usually happens:

The job can be frustrating at times.


At times I've wondered whether I made the right decision in moving here.

▪ (every) once in a while sometimes but very rarely:

We only see each other every once in a while.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.